
The System

No degrading Chemicals
No water makeup–condenses H2O vapor


This is biogas, landfill gas, and biomass to power. Waste to power via incineration of garbage is biomass to power. Biologics includes bio-energy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS) is a big term includes the permanent storage (geologic storage or mineralized storage). This all falls under another term which is carbon dioxide removal (CDR) from the biosphere indirectly moving the CO2 from the air to biologics to storage.


This is removing CO2 from power generating systems like coal, diesel, and natural gas fired power plants. This can be steam plants, natural gas fired turbines, or turbine plants linked to steam plant (called combined cycle). This process can operate well in this setting because there is typically waste heat that can be used for additional power recovery.


This is removing CO2 from industrial setting like cement, smelting, glass manufacture, steam plants for heating, etc. This process can operate well in this setting especially if there is excess waste heat or the potential for heat integration. The waste heat can be used for additional power recovery.

As seen in

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Upgrading Your Biogas Using Innovative Aqueous Compression to capture and separate acid gases from non-acid gases